Sunday, October 23, 2016


 Established statistics have generally recorded better health for married people. Now Cardus,, reports a recent study of 50 published empirical medical studies by Susan Martinuk, a medical researcher and research-based writer. It not only confirms previous studies, but also shows marriage can improve sickness recovery, even cancer survival.

In one large study of 735,000 people, married cancer patients lived 20 per cent longer. In five common cancers, patients survived better when married than resorting to chemotherapy. This is in addition to the better welfare of children to the marriage and happiness for all members of the family.

Martinuk was astonished by the dramatic results of her study, and surprised at how overwhelmingly positive marriage is for personal health and well-being. She says, “I had expected there would be far more contrary reports but when I went through all the reports to provide both sides of the story, there’s really not very much for the other side.”

Here are some health advantages to married people from numerous studies: Higher likelihood of recovering from cancer
Lower risk of suffering a heart attack
Better odds of surviving a heart attack
Quicker recovery from illness
Healthier habits and lifestyles
Better responses to psychological stress

In addition, those in high satisfaction marriages reduce the increased risk of: Blood pressure
Risk of heart disease
Time needed for healing of physical wounds
Levels of stress hormones
Reduced immune function

So “till death do us part” could well delay death, a positive effect for those in good marriages. However, we should not consider this a disparagement of singleness. Paul reminds us that singleness can provide clearer focus, “An unmarried man (or woman) is concerned about the Lord's affairs,” whereas “a married man (or woman) is also concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife (or husband). 1 Corinthians 7:32.

Marriage is a private choice, but it has public consequences, just as marriage is on public record as the couple who will be responsible for children of the marriage. Marriage is important for the public sphere also, particularly for outcomes of the public health system.

For instance, practicing physicians may treat married people differently based on their marriage status and its satisfaction level. Such a dramatic difference between married and singles about health should inform any medical treatment he advises.

Policy makers can also factor in this discussion. If marriage is empirically good for for health, it is also beneficial to the health system, to both quality of care and better use of resources. Of particular importance is the education of children and youths. Promotion of marriage should be part of the school curriculum to promote better health .

As you are probably aware, some Canadian jurisdictions are promoting the opposite agenda, especially in Alberta and Ontario. Already, the Ontario government is currently passing a bill to outlaw “mother” and “father” from official language.

So, if you want to live longer and healthier, get married!

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