Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome to Salt and Pepper

Welcome to Bryan's new blog dedicated to marriage, the benefits that accrue from it, and the challenges it faces. I plan this blog as a weekly journey that discusses current affairs relating to marriage.

First, what does the header on my new blog conjure up for you? Some have assumed a blog on interracial marriage. If so, I would approve. Marriage designated as the union of one man and one woman includes the union of a couple across all ethnic origins. Humans of every race share equally in human dignity.

However, this blog primarily celebrates the wider issue of traditional marriage. Each dinner table and restaurant booth provides salt and pepper, and here they represent the foundation of continuing humanity, and the archetype for companionship: the marriage of one woman to one man.

But this blog will also recognize the forces arranged against it. Let me be clear. Any union based on anything other than one man and one woman is a parody of marriage and a dilution of its meaning. Calling or legislating other unions as “marriage” does not make them so; they can only be poor copies of the original.

However, let me also be clear on this. Proposing or engaging in alternative unions does not reduce the dignity of the proponents; they also share equally in human worth. They have taken a wrong path leading to the deterioration of the culture as a whole, and wrong views on marriage will eventually have a related outcome.

The basis for one man and one woman (OMOW) forming marriage is simple. It takes one man and one woman to produce offspring. Of course, some marriages cannot produce offspring, but this side issue does not validate other unions that cannot produce children as “marriage.” The fundamental fact remains that childbirth requires an egg and sperm connection from each sex.

Furthermore, a registered OMOW marriage is a pledge to society that each has made a commitment to the other, and they accept responsibility for children from the union. Raised in a OMOW marriage ensures children build a balanced and practical assessment of the attributes of each sex that will inform each child later as they engage with the opposite sex.

Join me next week as we glimpse the future of marriage.