Sunday, November 27, 2016


Ever wondered why sex is such a big thing in our current western culture? Someone once said sex is the soft underbelly of the law, meaning that of the Ten Commandments, the seventh, “do not commit adultery,” is the easiest to discredit.

Our culture has largely dispensed with the first four commandments, which define our relationship with God, considering Him irrelevant. That leaves only human judgment to decide whether the six remaining commandments—those governing human relationships—are valid. The current approach to interpersonal law advocates ruling on harm inflicted.

This naturally assumes any form of sex between consenting adults is a victim-less act outside the “harm” category, and the prohibition unreasonable. However, the remaining five commandments, honouring parents, murder, stealing, slander—and particularly coveting which produces the desire for the foregoing acts—always produce a victim.

However, when sexual sin is tolerated, it undermines the other commandments. If illicit sexual acts can be justified, the remainder of the commandments are open to challenge if convenient to the perpetrator. And the foremost vehicle for this process is the current atomization of truth. Postmodernism teaches truth is “relative”; everyone carries his or her own truth.

Once truth becomes a matter of personal opinion, the standard of good and evil is also subject to political or personal convenience. The enrichment of major banks gained from homeowner’s losses in the US to the wholesale destruction of children in the womb come to mind.

Remember, in the end, the Ten Commandments aim to produce a well-functioning society. An important concern for the seventh commandment, and similar prohibitions, is to minimize the number of children at risk in aberrant relationships. But the overriding concern is the widening of destructive effects to our civilized society by the abuse of sex.

All liaisons, other than opposite sex intercourse, are infertile. The Increase of atypical relationships only adds to the death wish of a society that kills its progeny in the womb, and euthanizes its living. Furthermore, proponents of free sexual expression reject the instructions against it, and with no underlying truth to support their claim, they necessarily need to silence opposition. This drift into moral anarchy is already evident.

Perhaps the reverse is true. Many may now consider one man and one woman for every marriage outdated, but as a basic truth, it’s practice might bring back respect for the other components of the law. It should start with all Christians who claim to follow God’s law, but all who maintain this ideal might stem the current destructive process.