A friend
once suggested to me that the introduction of the contraceptive was responsible
for the chaos of marriage and sex today. I had to think about that. Eventually
I concluded she was partly right. The contraceptive has furthered a major
change in the attitude towards sex.

If children
are not the primary reason for sexual activity, why restrict sex to marriage?
The youth of the sixties were simply picking up where their parents were going,
following the logic of this thinking. Now, the one-man one-woman (OMOW)
marriage remains an option but no longer a necessary principle.
movement naturally evolved sexual freedom, to any sexual activity. “Date
nights” commonly include sex and common law “marriages” outstrip regular
marriage four times according to the 2011 Canadian census. Sexual pleasure
without responsibility and termination of pregnancies at will is the war cry of
most political parties.
sex has logically led to same sex unions, where pregnancy is not an issue. Homosexuality
appears contagious, and I fear that liability free sexual practise and strident
feminism’s impact on lowering of men’s esteem has drawn many men to gay unions,
passing or permanent.
Since the
door is open beyond OMOW unions, other alliances seek the same rights as gays:
polygamy—many wives, polyandry—many husbands, polyamory—group union of both
sexes. The polyamory Society already exists to promote group marriage, and
pedophilia, sex with consenting youth, is on the horizon.

Gender mainstreaming, promoted by rich
and influential elites, is persuading governments that removing male and female
labels as well as barriers to all sexual practices, will guarantee freedom and
equality for all. The homosexual lobby is the engine for this transformation.
The rainbow
symbol, designed to expresses inclusion of all sexual preferences, also
symbolises a time when every person has and practises a variety of “natural”
sexual tendencies irrespective of sexual physicality. Obviously, in this proposed
world, marriage is meaningless, and all children from sexual unions become
wards of the community or state.
governments will continue to power this juggernaut unless natural responses
correct it or convincing arguments contest it. Check in next week as we discuss
ways that may reverse the direction in which our culture is heading.