Sunday, November 13, 2016


Donald Trump has been cast aside as a possible president from the time he first made his bombastic appearance as a candidate, right through to Election Day. Even many in his own party opposed him as non-presidential material because of his highflying plans, questionable comments on current affairs, and insulting attacks on individuals and identifiable groups.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were the most disliked pair seeking the presidency in election memory. Democrats, politicians of various stripes, the media, and pollsters, favoured Hillary to win despite her record of deception and arrogance. While some democrats even voted for Trump, others voted for Hillary just to maintain a democratic presidency.

But some sound advice calls us to look beyond the person to the policies they espouse, and especially those who are behind them, supporting or even driving their agendas. On this basis, many Christian leaders championed Trump, while frequently voicing their dislike of him.

Christian commentators have paralleled Trump as the 45th president of the United States with Isaiah 45. This amazing passage reveals God’s anointing of Cyrus, a heathen king, to restore Israel from exile back to their land. Especially noteworthy are verses 4–5 (my emphasis).
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me,

Whether Donald Trump is currently a Christian or not is beside the point. He is sympathetic to the Christian cause as Cyrus was to the Jews in exile. Let’s remember that God is omnipotent, and works in mysterious ways—even causing the election of an unlikely president.

So, you may ask, what has this to do with a blog dedicated to one man, one woman marriage? The so-called “progressive” parties—the Democratic Party, and the liberal and NDP parties in Canada—are forcefully pursuing gender mainstreaming, which if successful, is designed to destroy heterosexual marriage and enshrine abortion.

Of course, gender mainstreaming is only one plank in globalization. The overriding goal is for a world order of interconnected nations. The European Union is an example of this pattern: a central governing body that sets the laws of member nations, and in so doing, increasingly reduces nationalism. This was the basic reason for brexit: a loss of British sovereignty.

This anti nationalist rule from Brussels is pressuring the transgender program on member nations. This is also becoming front and centre in North America. A similar reaction to that in the US may yet appear against left leaning “progressive” governments in Canada.

May God bless the Dominion of Canada.

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